Sweden | Gothenburg
Functional Rehabilitation of the Rotator Cuff Mechanism at the Shoulder
This course will use a lecture/discussion and practical session format to explore the functional anatomical principles into the clinical reasonining process to aid in the understanding of the anatomical basis for the presenting shoulder symptoms and determining appropriate exercise rehabilitation strategy.
1) critically evaluate the functional anatomy of the normal shoulder joint
2) explore recent research into shoulder muscle function, particularly rotator cuff muscle function
3) critically evaluate commonly used methods of assessing and treating shoulder muscle dysfunction
4) investigate alternative methods of assessing and restoring shoulder function that better reflects normal functional anatomy
5) incorporate functional anatomical principles into the clinical reasoning process to aid in:
• understanding the anatomical basis for the presenting shoulder symptoms
• determining the most appropriate exercise rehabilitation strategy
Lecturers for the course are
Karen Ginn, Sydney, Australia
Ingrid Hultenheim-Klintberg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Anki Holzhausen, Gothenburg, Sweden