Italy | Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna

dal trauma alla protesi

Epiphysial fractures and detachments and The Elbow in ICP will be analyzed for tretament and Rehab

participants will be able to follow and intervene directly The available classrooms will be assigned until the number of registrations is filled, bino. Available classroom places will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, so we suggest you book immediately and not wait until the last days, risking to find no places available. Participants in the event will be entitled to ECM credits for the cate- gories indicated in the program. 
The course is being ECM accredited by the Health Ministry for the the following disciplines: Surgeons, Orthopedists, Physiatrists, Physio-therapists, Orthotists and Occupetional Therapists. Enrollements are therefore closed at 80 peoples and will be assigned in chronological order of requests to the Organizing Secretariat until all places are filled.

Info and Registrations

Mob.: 349-2276792 - Tel./Fax: 051/532016 --- 

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