Denmark national delegate:

Lisbeth Rejsenhus
Lisbeth Rejsenhus - Physiotherapist

Location: Broerup, Denmark

Institution: Physiotherapist at the Clinic for physical therapy and exercise, Broerup, Denmark.

Lisbeth Rejsenhus has been a physiotherapist since 1995. She has at all times worked with rehabilitation of the shoulder, both at Viborg Hospital and Ålborg Hospital. In 2006 she started her own private practice for rehabilitation of the shoulder, Skulderklinikken Viborg, where she offers treatment to all kinds of shoulder patients with or without surgery.
Together with an orthotist she also offers physiotherapy and bracing for Winging Scapula.
Lisbeth makes 1- and 2-day practical courses in examination, analysis and rehabilitation of shoulder patients, for other physiotherapists, at her clinic and around the country



