​EUSSER Young Researcher Award 2021

​EUSSER Young Researcher Award 2021

We are pleased to announce that during the EUSSER Symposium of the SECEC-ESSSE Congress (Sept 15-18), EUSSER and JOSPT will present an award to an outstanding young researcher.

The EUSSER Young Researcher Award 2021 has been designed to recognize outstanding young scientists and researchers in Europe who have made significant contributions in the field of shoulder and/or elbow rehabilitation. The prize is a cheque for €500 and is provided by the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy and the unpublished manuscript could be accepted to JOSPT. The EUSSER Scientific Committee will evaluate the applications and select three nominees before August 1th. Each nominee will receive a free registration to the EUSSER Symposium on September 15th and 18th 2021 in Poznan (Poland).

Entry Requirements:

1.      To be eligible for this award, the researcher is either a PhD student or junior researcher who has finalized his/her PhD thesis within the past five years preceding the conference.

2.      The researcher should work in a European country (understood in the geographic sense as defined by Council of Europe’s membership rules), but is not required to have a European nationality.

3.      Be the first author and stated as contact person for the publication submitted.

4.      The content of the paper is shoulder and/or elbow related.

5.      Papers already submitted for the SECEC-ESSSE congress can also be submitted for the young researcher award.

6.      EUSSER committee members are excluded from participating for this award.

7.      The application should be in English, and NOT be published yet.

8.      When selected among the top three nominees, the applicant should be willing to give a short presentation at the EUSSER Symposium during the SECEC-ESSSE congress.

The deadline for applications for the Young Researcher Award is Friday July 23rd, 2021.
Applications received after this date will not be considered. For any additional questions please contact info@eusser.org.

Dr. Yasmaine Karel
President of EUSSER
European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation
Yasmaine Karel

Yasmaine finished her degree in physiotherapy in 2009 and epidemiology in 2010. In 2011 she went on to start her PhD about shoulder management in physiotherapy practice for the Department of General Practice at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) in cooperation with the Avans University of Applied Sciences. Currently she's finishing her PhD, works as a teacher in physiotherapy at the Avans University of Applied Sciences and as a clinical physiotherapist/ultrasonographer in a private practice focusing on shoulder complaints. Yasmaine was president of EUSSER from 2019 to 2021.and currently is EUSSER's treasurer